Probus Club of Warragul - Tarago Inc.
Probus club #1006155 incorporation number A0047473C
Links to our Interest Groups below
Click on the Blue link Transferring Apple Photos to PC If you do not already have it you will require for Windows 10 and 11 the Microsoft free APP "Microsoft Photos Legacy"
You also need on the Apple device to go to Settings then Photos then turn on transfer to Mac or PC. Then down the bottom choose keep originals. You will also need to agree on the Apple for the PC to access it same agreement on the PC.
This called Speaker View, you are shown in a little box and the speaker is in a large box.
The second white button below the red Leave button changes you view.
Top left hand corner, say "Leave" this what you touch to leave a meeting.
Top of screen a little microphone says "Mute" if there is a red diaganol line through it your microphone is muted, touch it to unmute.
Top of screen a little camera labelled "Stop Video" if this has a red diagonal line through it your camera is switched off, touch it to switch it on.
This View is called Active Speaker View. If you touch on the 3 dots at the top right hand corner it brings up the meeting controls.
This view has the meeting settings on it. To stop the Zoom controls from disapearing, I suggest that you select "Always show meeting controls".
If you click the reactions button it brings up this screen you can choose what your reaction is, that will come up on your screen.
Participants button brings up this screen. The Host can elect a Co host to help manage meetings and they can mute speakers and even remove them.
Share Screen. If your hosts have given you the rights you can share your screen with others, you can select any of these options and even draw something with your white board..
Go to the Apple iPad Apps Store.
Ipad tips and links. Mainly Youtube movies.
For Dummies
How to use the iPad and iPad Mini - How to set up the iPad and iPad
How to use an external hard drive on an iPad (mini) .
How to Connect External Hard Drive or USB Flash Drive to iPad .
How to sync iphone ipod ipad with new computer
How to sync iPhone with iTunes .
How to put your ipod or iphone into
Putting Google Maps Back Into iOS 6 .
Tips & Tricks.
Tutorial - Learn all about using your iPad .
Tutorial Part 1 .
Tutorial 2 hours.